
Welcome to BPO

Masami Ohinata
Director General
Chairperson of the Board

 On July 1st BPO commemorated the 20th year since its birth. BPO was established in 2003 by the public broadcaster NHK, the national commercial broadcasters’ association JBA and its members, and operates third-party committees that were established to promote the independence and autonomy of broadcasting.
 During these years, our values, lifestyles, and society have been changing and diversifying drastically at an unprecedented speed. We must build a sustainable society that does not leave anyone behind or in which nobody is left behind. Broadcasting can contribute greatly in nurturing the culture and climate needed to build such a mature and inclusive society.
 BPO was established by broadcasters who recognized this public duty. Its principal activities as an independent third-party organization include giving broadcasters opinions on their programming to continue improving the quality of broadcasting, and promoting higher ethical standards in broadcasting to protect the viewers’ human rights as well as the healthy development of children, while ensuring freedom of speech and expression.
 As it enters its next decade, BPO is reaffirming the importance of maintaining an even better reciprocal relationship with broadcasters in order for them to carry out their public duty which is founded on the viewers’ trust.

Masami Ohinata


 BPO is established by the public broadcaster NHK, the national commercial broadcasters association JBA and its members.

Agreement on the establishment of BPO by NHK and JBA (February 17, 2003)

Our Goals

  • The Broadcasting Ethics & Program Improvement Organization (BPO) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that serves to protect basic human rights and to improve the quality of broadcasting and promote higher ethical standards while ensuring freedom of speech and expression.
  • BPO deals with complaints and ethical issues brought against broadcasting content by conducting investigations into problematic programs and giving recommendations and/or opinions to either all broadcasters or to the broadcaster concerned in order to promote the independence and the autonomy of broadcast.

Copyright © 2003-2025 Broadcasting Ethics & Program Improvement Organization All Rights Reserved.